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JR: Church in the Wildwood Lyrics - There's a church in the valley by the wildwood No lovelier spot in the dale No place is so dear to my childhood As the little brown church in the vale. (Oh, come, come, come, come) Come to the church in the wildwood Oh, come to the church in the val... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 19, 2017 - #music

JR: The Cure concert at Pine Knob in June 2000 - One of my all-time favorite concerts. The Cure was the only band that played. It was a sunny and warm but not humid day, which led to a comfortable summer evening with a fine sunset. My friend Tim A and I stood atop the hill. The Cure took the stag... more>>
- Jul 13, 2016 - #music #history

JR: A full, rich Toledo day - Sat, Jul 19, 2014 - Walking, shopping at the farmers market, lunch at a coffee shop, gardening, brewing beer, and enjoying great music downtown. I started the day, making French press pot coffee with Bea's Blend coffee beans that we buy at the Toledo Farmers Market o... more>> 8 min read
- May 19, 2016 - #toledo #home #food #garden #beer #music #event #blog_jr

JR: Tt post may 3, 2016 - "I see on the news Party in the Park is returning to Downtown ..." May 2, 2016 13abc story titled Party in the Park is back No, it's not back. Let it go. Party in the Park or Rally by the River. What I saw in the early 1990s will never return. Th... more>> 3 min read
- May 03, 2016 - #music #history #toledo

JR: Tt comment on mar 1, 2016 - I also spent a fair amount of time at Frankie's and The Main Event back in the 1990s. A friend of mine shared this image recently on Facebook. Apparently, it's a band schedule for The Asylum from 1996. My friend's punk band The Stain was listed on t... more>>
- Mar 01, 2016 - #toledo #music #history

JR: Oct 21, 2015 - 20 years ago today, Shannon Hoon passed away - Oct 21, 1995 Damn fine voice and a cool band. On this day in Louisiana history, Blind Melon lead singer Shannon Hoon was found dead on St. Charles Ave. (1995). Some rock anniversaries ar... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 21, 2015 - #music #history

JR: No Summer 2015 SoundTrek Toledo - Sat, Aug 22, 2015 - SoundTrek will not occur tonight in Uptown as originally scheduled, assuming that it was ever planned. The ACGT website still lists the date for SoundTrek as Sat, Aug 22, 2015, 7:30 p.m. to Midnight. In previous years, SoundTr... more>> 1 min read
- Sep 25, 2015 - #toledo #music #art #event

JR: 2015 Toledo Mayoral Candidates' Debate Walkout Music - Assuming that these Toledo mayoral candidates qualify for the November ballot, I've suggested walkout music for their public appearances. These lyrics are secondary. I simply like the music. Mike Bell : Bulls on Parade by Rage Against The Machine... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 31, 2015 - #toledo #politics #music #humor

JR: System of a Down - Live in Armenia 2015 - Published on Apr 28, 2015 1) 0:00 Wake Up the Souls - Part 1 2) 1:16 Holy Mountains 3) 6:42 Jet Pilot 4) 9:07 Suite-Pee 5) 10:14 Prison Song 6) 13:48 U-Fig 7) 16:33 Aerials 8) 20:21 Soldier Side Intro 9) ... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 28, 2015 - #music #video

JR: Lyrics for Lateralus by Tool - The Fibonacci in Lateralus Black then white are all I see in my infancy. red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me. lets me see. As below, so above and beyond, I imagine drawn beyond the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend. ... more>> 1 min read
- May 04, 2015 - #music #math #philosophy

JR: Sometimes by James - JAMES LYRICS "Sometimes (Lester Piggott)" There's a storm outside, and the gap between crack and thunder Crack and thunder, is closing in, is clos... more>> 2 min read
- Jan 20, 2015 - #music

JR: Old Toledo entertainment spots - my comment below: Kin-Wa-Low was one of Toledo landmark restaurants. It was in the 600 block of Cherry st. During the 1940'and 50's big named stars entertained on the rising stage. The embedded video below is a WGTE preview for a 27-minut... more>>
- Sep 09, 2014 - #history #toledo #entertainment #music #dance

JR: The Stain and Korn shows from 1995. - (my Feb 28, 2006 comment at A good friend of mine played in The Stain, and I attended several of their shows around town back in the mid to late 90s. I ran the video equipment, so plenty of documented evidence exists showing Stainbro... more>> 3 min read
- Sep 02, 2014 - #toledo #politics #music #history #event #humor #blog_jr

JR: 2014 Northwest Ohio Rib-off Concert Crisis - (My Apr 23, 2014 comment at a thread about Ted Nugent performing at the Northwest Ohio Rib-off, scheduled for August 2014.) I did not realize that people were being forced to buy tickets to attend a concert in Maumee, Ohio. I guess i... more>> 6 min read
- Jul 29, 2014 - #music #media #politics #activism #moronism #humor #blog_jr

JR: SoundTrek Music Festival - UpTown Toledo - Sat, Jul 19, 2014 - Excerpts from the website: SoundTrek is an annual live local music experience featuring nearly 40 bands at 10 venues along Adams Street in UpTown Toledo in one single night. This is an all local celebration of Toledo's rich live music heritage wit... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 17, 2014 - #toledo #music #event

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