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JR: Downtown toledo open restaurants on sundays - nov 18, 2016 Manhattan's closes at 2:00 p.m. on Sundays. Registry Bistro is closed on Sundays. Table 44 is open on Sundays until 10:00 p.m. At the Oliver House, Rockwells Steakhouse Lounge is closed on Sundays, but the Maumee Bay Brew Pub is ... more>>
- Nov 18, 2016 - #toledo #food #restaurant

JR: Mac and Tong's closed on May 31, 2016 - November 2006 Blade story Some people may remember [Mac] from Our Place, a Reynolds Road restaurant where he held forth for several years before he and his wife, Tong, who rules the kitchen, decided to hang up their aprons. A few months ago, the... more>>
- Jun 07, 2016 - #history #toledo #restaurant #food #event

JR: Grub, beer, and fall-like weather at Mutz on Tue, Jul 15, 2014 - DD and I arrived at The Oliver House around 7:40 pm. We dined at Mutz and sat outside in the small, shared courtyard area surrounded by a four-story brick building on all sides. Irregular-shaped courtyard. Tight, cozy area. Nice. We sat next to a wi... more>> 3 min read
- May 19, 2016 - #toledo #food #beer #restaurant #weather #blog_jr

JR: Belgian beer talk and homebrewing - (My Jul 21, 2014 comment to a thread.) "You can't go wrong." I can go wrong if they don't have a Belgian-style beer available. Currently, The Attic offers La Trappe Dubbel on tap. That's a fine Trappist beer. We enjoyed a couple ... more>> 8 min read
- May 19, 2016 - #beverage #beer #home #food #weather #restaurant #blog_jr

JR: Notes - Sat, Oct 18, 2014 - I walked Barney in the morning. We shopped at Steinmart in Westgate. We shopped at the Toledo Farmers Market. We ate lunch at the Glass City Cafe. We bought two small items at Adams Street Antiques, Art, Collectibles. We visited the newly-opened sma... more>> 2 min read
- May 17, 2016 - #farming #restaurant #antiques #shopping #home #pets #business #blog_jr

JR: Walking in the snow to dinner - Jan 8, 2015 - On Thu eve, Jan 8, 2015, my wife and I walked to El Camino Real in West Toledo. It's about a 20-min walk with my stops to take photos. I love walking at night with the snow falling. With the single-digit temps, this was a sparkling snowfall. We arr... more>> 3 min read
- May 17, 2016 - #home #food #restaurant

JR: Nighttime stroll in the snow - On Thu eve, Jan 8, 2015, my wife and I walked to El Camino Real, located in West Toledo for dinner. It was about a 20-minute stroll each way with my stops to take photos and videos. I love walking at night with the snow falling, combined with the str... more>> 1 min read
- May 17, 2016 - #toledo #restaurant #home #snow #blog_jr

JR: Late January 2016 weekend fun - Fri, Jan 22, 2016 On Fri evening, Jan 22, 2016, my wife and I along with our next door neighbors K and B went out for the evening. We ate dinner at Ya Halla's, located on Alexis in West Toledo. K and B eat their often. It was our first visit, and ... more>> 2 min read
- Feb 09, 2016 - #toledo #food #restaurant #activism #event

JR: Tt post jan 5 2016 - "Gyro Station on Eleanor ..." I assume that was a West Toledo location. We regularly shop for some groceries and take-out food at Al Habib Market, which is located between Auto Zone and Family Dollar at the business lot on the corner of Sylvania ... more>>
- Jan 05, 2016 - #food #toledo #restaurant

JR: Tt post sep 18 2015 b - breeman referred to the tamales sold from the food truck that is parked on Saturday morning's at the Toledo Farmers Market. I have not tried those either. I don't remember the name of this food truck. I was referring to the Mexican bakery, located ... more>>
- Sep 18, 2015 - #toledo #restaurant #food #bakery

JR: Sat, Apr 4, 2015 Notes - Shopped in the morning at the Toledo Farmers Market. Around 11:30 a.m., I picked DD up from volunteering in South Toledo. We parked in back of the Paula Brown Shop, located downtown, at about 11:50 a.m. We viewed the art inside the nearby building ... more>> 2 min read
- Apr 14, 2015 - #toledo #beer #brewery #restaurant #food #beverage

JR: Downtown toledo dining thoughts - It seems like downtown Royal Oak, Michigan is 90 percent restaurants, and the entire Detroit area goes there to eat. It's very busy, at least on a Saturday evening at the end of January. It's possible that as long as the eateries are high quality, ... more>>
- Mar 24, 2015 - #Toledo #food #restaurant #business

JR: Downtown Toledo bars and eateries - my Feb 20, 2015 tt comment: Handy info. We're looking forward to trying Veritas Cork Craft, Kengo Sushi Yakitori, and the Black Cloister when it opens. I... more>>
- Feb 20, 2015 - #toledo #restaurant #food

JR: Downtown Toledo Restaurants - 2015 - The Moxie in UpTown - Open (this may have opened in December of '14) Noodle Bar and Grill - Open Kengo - expected to be open this month Black Cloister Brewing Company - expected to be open this month M'Osteria - expected to be open this month Martini... more>>
- Feb 04, 2015 - #toledo #food #restaurant

JR: November 2014 Kengo and Black Cloister opening updates - (my nov 24, 2014 comment) For some of these places, the renovations and the red tape take significantly longer than originally thought. I'm guessing that Kengo will update one of its web areas when the opening date nears. https:/... more>>
- Nov 24, 2014 - #food #beer #toledo #restaurant #sushi #business

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