Search Results For “Tag:startup” - # - rss

JR: Tt post jun 6, 2016 - b - June 6, 2016 blog post by Simply Jess titled Holey Toledough! What a Doughnut! Excerpts. View the blog post for photos. Chris is working hard to give Holey Toledough a permanent storefront location making these ever changing, delicious treats more... more>> 1 min read
- Jun 06, 2016 - #food #startup #business #toledo

JR: This. - One link per day sharing site - 2014 2015 On the website itself, users can do four things, and no more. They can post a link, but just o... more>> 1 min read
- Aug 12, 2015 - #bookmarking #socialmedia #startup

JR: Email newsletter startup business - Proof that not all of the ideas have been taken. Lo-fi tech approach plus personal interests plus a passion to make something. dec 2014 july 2014 sample #email - #media - #writing - #technology - #startup
- Dec 17, 2014

JR: Journalist baffled by design - Feb 11, 2014 story titled Does it matter that mobile-native Quartz has a mobile-minority audience? The answer is "No," since Quartz is an 18-month-old digital media startup, and responsive web design only began its popularity surge in 2011. The cha... more>> 10 min read
- Dec 09, 2014 - #media #moronism #mobile #responsive #design #startup #blog_jr

JR: Ello Manifesto - September 2014 - Ello is a new social networking site that launched in July 2014. Your social network is owned by advertisers. Every post you share, every friend you make and every link you follow is tracked, recorded and converted into ... more>>
- Sep 25, 2014 - #startup #socialmedia #forums

JR: Media org trying to innovate - Jun 29, 2014- The Guardian - Time Incs M Scott Havens: We want to build the next LinkedIn or Facebook - "Digital chief on rethinking the rules of journalism, shaking off the magazine group tag, and developing innovation" Odd reaction by some but ma... more>>
- Sep 02, 2014 - #media #startup #business #blog_jr

JR: Food and brew cafe idea - Belgian-style Beers blonde dubbel trippel Breads 100% whole grain some combo of white whole wheat, red whole wheat, and spelt 50% whole grain ("light bread") 50% all-purpose flour 25% white whole wheat 25% red whole wheat rye bread 25% r... more>>
- Aug 01, 2014 - #business #startup #food

JR: Stories about Circa - The following links were culled from my search results here: #media - #startup - #design
- Jul 23, 2014

JR: Creating and curating local news - New startup idea. Another story about new ways of creating and sharing local news and information. Excerpts from the lengthy and interesting story. The 46-year-old New York native is planning to spend somewhere in the mid six figures in the nex... more>> 3 min read
- Jul 15, 2014 - #media #local #startup #advertising #business #blog_jr

JR: New media relies on new technology - Apr 6, 2014 - NY Times - Vox Takes Melding of Journalism and Technology to a New Level - Ezra Klein's new media venture. The story provides excellent insights into programmers working for or as journalists, the value of content management systems in... more>> 15 min read
- Apr 27, 2014 - #media #startup #cms #wiki #cards #blog_jr

JR: My same old thoughts about newspaper orgs - April 2014 - (My Apr 13, 2014 comment to a thread.) A commenter said: "One other thing to add is that newspaper space is also a major issue. Example: One column story that is edited down to six inches in order to fit the newspaper ... So, not onl... more>> 2 min read
- Apr 13, 2014 - #media #startup #blog_jr

JR: Ezra Klein speaks about Vox and the media - Excerpts from an interview published Apr 11, 2014 at titled Ezra Klein on Voxs Launch, Media Condescension, and Competing With Wikipedia, which contains unsurprising observations about the media's views on anything new in the media business... more>> 4 min read
- Apr 11, 2014 - #media #startup #design #blog_jr

JR: Proposed new Toledo media outlet - just spitballing. digital-only media biz, covering toledo area. borrow function and design ideas from: subjects: politics only like a localized politico? prob not. but def local pol... more>>
- Apr 07, 2014 - #startup #media #local #toledo #idea #blog_jr

JR: New digital media startups - Launching in 2014: Nate Silver - Five Thirty Eight with ESPN - began Mar 2014 Ezra Klein - Vox Glenn Greenwald - The Intercept with First Look Media - began Feb 2014 Soledad O'Brien - Starfish Media Established Media New Features NY Times ... more>>
- Apr 07, 2014 - #media #startup #business #blog_jr

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