Search Results For “Tag:webmention” - # - rss

JR: Reply to Cawr's post about publishers and UX - This is a test WebMention response to a blog post at my Wren test site. And I'm attempting to use the curl command to send the WebMention. The Wren static blog app might be able to accept WebMentions by using a third party site. I'm replying to th... more>> 1 min read
- Jul 18, 2016 - #indieweb #webmention #wren

JR: Pondering Dave Winer's early Jan 2016 posts - Jan 5, 2016 - My current bookmarks page of sites that I visit or feeds that I consume includes a link to DW's feed near the top of the list. I access his feed multiple times per day to see what new insights he has posted. I'm mainly interested in his... more>> 13 min read
- Jan 06, 2016 - #indieweb #webmention #socialmedia #technology #moronism #blog_jr

JR: and IndiAuth - #indieweb - #webmention
- Dec 18, 2014

JR: Webmention-related links - Submitting a webmention with Curl Example Testing: Etc: #webmention - #indieweb
- Apr 13, 2014

JR: Syndicate posts to Twitter using the share button - Update: 01Nov2013 To get's thread posts to appear in the Toledo Talk Twitter page, I use some kind of feed service that reads TT's RSS feed. But I like this "lo-fi" idea better, suggested by at this IndieWeb page: I primarily sy... more>> 1 min read
- Nov 01, 2013 - #junco #indieweb #posse #webmention

JR: Creating a Webmention blog reply post at JotHut - div class=note-text entry-content e-content p-name my reply/comment/webmention post text here. can include the target link (post replying to) within the div statements or can put this link outside of the divs. depending upon the software used by t... more>>
- Oct 23, 2013 - #webmention #indieweb #jothut #junco

JR: In Progress - Add webmention client code to Junco - #inprogress Good example of either an Indie Web comment/reply or WebMention: generic microformats-2 parser. It doesnt have a hard-coded list of all the different microformats, just a set of procedures to ha... more>> 16 min read
- Oct 21, 2013 - #inprogress #webmention #indieweb #browns #junco #juncotodo #comments

JR: In Progress - Add Microformats support - Open Graph - - [enough completed for now on 7oct2013] Microformats - - [in progress. slowly adding new ones] For Webmention support for the source posts: meta name=author content=Jeremy Keith / Open Graph info: [completed 7oct2013] m... more>>
- Oct 07, 2013 - #indiewebcampuk #webmention #juncotodo #inprogress

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