Search Results For “Tag:coffee” - # - rss

JR: Home roasting coffee bean notes - proposed tt post 22apr2015 "I'd like to see someone with fresher roasts ..." As usual, the DIY approach helps here. Sure, you can buy an expensive home roaster, but you can also roast coffee beans rather nicely by using an old air popcorn pop... more>> 4 min read
- Apr 22, 2015 - #home #coffee #howto

JR: Coffee issues at the Toledo Farmers Market - Oct 4, 2014 - My comment at a Toledo Talk thread: We experienced this bizarre payment confusion this morning too with that vendor. I guess the vendor could sell coffee from the truck, but the vendor could not sell coffee at the table, located under the shelter... more>> 1 min read
- Oct 04, 2014 - #toledo #food #beverage #coffee #politics #health #moronism

JR: Taking coffee seriously - November 2002 - (my blog post from Friday, November 22, 2002) Coffee Measure Tests Berkeleys Taste for Fair Trade Local coffee shops won out over small Central American farmers as voters overwhelmingly rejected the closely watched Fair Trade coffee initiative. Me... more>>
- Jul 18, 2014 - #politics #business #activism #local #beverage #coffee #environment #moronism

JR: Roasting coffee beans at home - Apparently, an air popcorn popper makes a decent home roaster for coffee beans. We'll try it out. [Sep 2013 update: This works well. Roast in the evening, outside. Let beans cool and rest uncovered inside at room temp. Grind and brew in the morning... more>> 10 min read
- Apr 18, 2014 - #home #recipe #coffee #beverage #blog_jr

JR: Toledo area shopping - Sat, Mar 15, 2014 - We left home around 9:00 a.m. and returned home around 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. Another fine day visiting and shopping at local businesses. Toledo Farmers Market bread coffee beans apples salad greens and maybe one or two other items Black Kite Coffee ... more>> 1 min read
- Mar 18, 2014 - #toledo #business #birds #yarn #beverage #food #coffee #blog_jr

JR: Cold-brew Coffee - Another of the many ways to brew coffee. NY Times.1 Without the bitterness produced by hot water, the cold-brewed coffee had hints of chocolate, even caramel. I dropped my sugar packet no need for it. The best brews hardly need cream. Cold-br... more>> 7 min read
- Mar 03, 2014 - #coffee #beverage #recipe #blog_jr

JR: Toledo Saturday morning - 26Oct2013 - Chilly, overcast morning with temps in the 30s and strong winds blowing. I walked Barney around the neighborhood. He has no problem with the cool weather, which works better for him. Farmers Market After walking Barney, I shopped at the Toledo ... more>> 2 min read
- Oct 29, 2013 - #food #coffee #blackkite #music #blog_jr

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